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Warning This is a WIP tool that is very unstable and not fully optimised, use at your own care! This README will also be reworked.

👁️ Uncover the unseen

Project Absence is a tool for analyzing your hosts. Its features include finding open ports, discovering subdomains, discovering files and more will be coming with the time.

Getting Started

Rust Features

Project Absence has the following Rust features available:

  • clipboard: Will let you use the --clipboard/-C command line argument, only necessary if you want to copy the result to your clipboard (the result is saved in a file at ~/.absence/result.json either way)


To install Project Absence, you can use one of the following methods:


You need to have Rust installed. You can then install using:

cargo install project-absence


You can run the tool from the published Docker image using:

docker run -v ~/.absence:/root/.absence -it kkrypt0nn/project-absence

Docker compose

You can run the tool from a docker-compose.yml file, for example:

    image: kkrypt0nn/project-absence:latest
      - ${HOME}/.absence:/root/.absence

And then run it with

docker-compose run project-absence

Build from source

You need to have Rust installed. After cloning this repository you can build it using:

cargo build --release

[!NOTE] On Linux systems, you have to install the following packages if you want to use the --clipboard/-C CLI argument:

  • libxcb1-dev
  • libxcb-render0-dev
  • libxcb-shape0-dev
  • libxcb-xfixes0-dev

They are required for the clipboard crate to work properly. The usage of the crate may be put behind a feature in the future so that you are not forced to install these packages.

Example Usage

Using the tool is straightforward. You may look at the documentation website for the config and CLI arguments that you can pass.

After editing the config as you wish, running the tool with no specific CLI arguments is as simple as doing

project-absence -d


Full documentation is available here. It includes detailed explanations of arguments and configurations.


If you encounter issues while using Project Absence, consider the following:


This tool is designed for legal and ethical host analysis only. Misusing it for unauthorized access or other illegal activities is strictly prohibited. The authors and contributors are not responsible for any misuse or legal consequences arising from its use.


People may contribute by following the Contributing Guidelines and the Code of Conduct


This project was made with 💜 by Krypton and is under the MIT License.