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Support is amazing to a developer like me. All of my projects are free to use and mostly open source. Any donation can help me to keep my projects alive & online, and for other projects it shows support to the work I've done. It overalls gives me even more motivation in seeing that people like my projects and want to support it in another way than simply using them. So if you want to show some additional support to my projects you can take a look here on how to support me.
GitHub Sponsors

One-time Supporters ($1 and above)




Note that the profile pictures for GitHub Sponsors are automatically
taken from GitHub.
If you're in the list and you want your username
or profile picture to be changed or removed, please contact me by using
any of the methods on the home page .
Want to be in that list?
If you use any cryptocurrency method for donating, please contact me by using any of the methods on the home page with the username and avatar you wish to display here.