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    If you are making a web application with users management, bitwise flags will be really useful for that same application. I've never used bitwise flags in my past small web application, and I definitely regret not having used them before... Not only it's super convenient, but you also don't need tons of rows in your database to store various account information.
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    Unique IDs are pretty much used everywhere and in every application. They are used to identify a user, a product, a transaction, a session, etc. That way we can, for example, assign a transaction made to a specific user, and not by mistake another one. In this article, I'll show you how I generate unique IDs in my applications and give them a second usage as well.
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    The Space Heroes 2022 CTF was an online CTF from April 1st (4pm UTC) to April 3rd (9pm UTC) 2022. It was hosted by FITSEC and it even was their first time organizing such an event!